
What you need to know about 贷款!

贷款 are a form of financial aid that MUST be repaid.  FAU鼓励学生只借所需的钱来支付学年的出勤费用. 

要被认为有资格获得大多数形式的经济援助,你必须在FAU参加至少一半的时间. For Fall and Spring semesters, half time is defined as 6 credits for 本科 学生 (including those pursuing a second bachelor degree) and 4.5 credits for graduate 学生. 审计的课程, courses which are not applicable to the student’s degree, and some repeated courses do not count towards financial aid enrollment requirements. If you are not enrolled at least half-time at FAU, you will be viewed as INELIGIBLE for most financial aid funding with the exception of 联邦 Pell Grant funding (for some 学生, (按预期家庭供款计算)及某些私人/另类贷款产品. 

信息rmation regarding a student’s 联邦 loans will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, 银行, and schools determined to be authorized users of this system. 学生可以在NSLDS上查看他们的联邦贷款历史,以监控他们向总限额的进展.

贷款流程步骤必须在付款前两周完成,以确保您及时收到资金, with the exception of the 短期预支.


联邦直接贷款 Website

这些课程适用于注册至少一半时间的本科生和研究生. Subsidized 联邦直接贷款 are offered to 本科 学生 demonstrating financial need. 学生在校期间就直接资助贷款所累积的利息,毋须负责. 无补贴联邦直接贷款提供give没有资格获得补贴直接贷款或有资格但仍需要额外资金的学生. 学生须负责在校期间的无补贴直接贷款利息. Annual Direct Loan borrowing limits for dependent 本科 学生 are $5,新生500元, $6,二年级学生500美元, 和7美元,500 for 本科 学生 beyond Sophomore standing. 独立本科学生可以申请超出上述限额的额外无补贴贷款(额外金额取决于学术地位)。. Graduate 学生 may borrow up to $20,500 per year in Unsubsidized Direct 贷款. 在学生毕业六个月后开始偿还本金和应计利息, 撤回, or drops below half time enrollment. There is no penalty for accepting a partial loan amount.

Seniors in their Final Semester

当大学生借款人的剩余学习时间少于一个完整学年时, the Direct Loan must be prorated based on enrollment. 未能在最后一个学期开始前通知学生经济援助办公室,可能会导致直接贷款的一部分立即偿还. Students who owe a balance to FAU will not receive their diplomas.

Total and Permanent Disability Discharge

Total and Permanent Disability Discharge

已经为完全和永久残疾(TPD)出院流程实现了一个网站. Borrowers seeking a disability discharge of their FFEL Program loans, Direct Loan Program loans, 以及大学和高等教育教师教育援助(TEACH)补助金服务义务将在新的TPD出院网站上找到完整的信息.


联邦PLUS贷款 Website

FAU Direct PLUS Loan Process

联邦直接PLUS贷款是一种低息贷款,用于帮助被录取并注册本科学位课程的受抚养学生的父母或被录取并注册研究生学位课程的研究生. To be eligible for the Direct PLUS Loan, 家长借款人或研究生借款人应无不良信用记录. Maximum eligibility is equal to cost of education minus other aid. 在贷款全部支付后60天内开始偿还本息. 借款人可能有资格推迟还款,直到学生毕业或停止注册至少一半的时间. In order to receive a Direct PLUS Loan, 学生 must first file a Free Application for 联邦 Student Aid (FAFSA).



Private student loans (also known as alternative loans) are non-federal loans, made by a lender such as a bank, credit union or state agency.  联邦 student loans include many benefits (such as fixed rates, income-based repayment plans, and loan forgiveness plans) not typically offered by private loans. In many cases, private loans may be more expensive than 联邦 student loans. 学生不应该考虑从私人贷款项目借款,除非他们已经用尽了所有的联邦贷款选择.

受抚养的本科生在申请私人贷款融资时,建议在申请前先调查联邦PLUS计划提供的选择. PLUS和私人贷款计划之间的详细比较可以在我们的 Direct Loan Comparison Worksheet.

Selecting a Private Loan Program

Below are some factors to be considered when comparing prive loan products

  • Have an idea of what rate you will qualify for BEFORE you 应用.
  • Compare rates from different 银行
  • 关注APR.
  • Find out about any fees the lender may charge to originate the loan.
  • Ask about interest capitalization
  • Ask about borrower benefits

学生可以通过ELMSELECT私人贷款搜索和比较工具查看和比较KU体育官网APP学生过去成功获得资金的一些私人贷款项目. 使用ELMSELECT时, 建议学生使用左侧栏的“排序和筛选”选项,以确定符合其需求的贷款项目的条款和资格标准. KU体育官网APP和FAU学生经济援助办公室都不提倡, 认可或推荐任何这些贷款产品或贷方包括在名单上. 尽管FAU学生经济援助办公室能够处理所有私人贷款提供者的私人贷款, processing is most efficient with ELM participating 银行. If your preferred lender does not appear on the list provided, you are advised to contact them to confirm they are an ELM participant.

View the private loan programs at ELMSELECT.

Private Education Loan Applicant Self Certification Form and FAU Cost of Attendence

由于新法规的颁布(标题X - 2008年私人学生贷款透明度和改进法案), a student 应用ing for a private educational loan is required to complete the Private Loan Self Certification Form This form must be submitted directly to the lender. To complete this form, information regarding FAU出勤费用 必须提供.



在FAU注册至少一半时间的寻求学位的学生可以获得大学的预付款,以帮助购买教科书, 在助学金发放之前,与教育费用和意外生活费用有关的应急基金. 请记住,短期预付款不是帮助你支付学费和其他相关费用的来源.

Maximum loan amount is $750 with a non-refundable processing fee of $5.00评估. Students must meet additional 合格标准.

To access the online 短期预支 Application:

  1. 签署 MYFAU with your FAU credentials
  2. 点击/轻按“能力自助服务“瓦 to access 能力自助服务
  3. 点击/轻按“短期预支 Application" tab to access 金融援助 within Self-Service


To determine if your 短期预支 has been recived/approved:

STEP 1: Access 金融援助 section of 能力自助服务 via MYFAU


  1. 签署 MYFAU with your FAU credentials
  2. 点击/轻按“钱的问题!“瓦
  3. 点击/轻按“KU体育经济援助“瓦 to go directly to 金融援助 within 能力自助服务


  1. 签署 MYFAU with your FAU credentials
  2. 点击/轻按“能力自助服务“瓦 to access 能力自助服务
  3. 点击/轻按“金融援助" tab to access 金融援助 within Self-Service

STEP 2: Find status within 能力自助服务

  1. 点击/轻按“短期预支 Status“瓦 (for informational purposes ONLY)

注意: 请记住,短期预付款的首次支付将在每学期开始前至少三(3)个工作日进行, if the student meets all 合格标准 (date is subject to change without notice).